The emergence of new forecasting systems and communication networks is providing opportunities to improve public weather services. It is primarily due to new WeatherTech technology and innovations like wireless communication, nowcasting systems, digital database forecasting, next-generation workstations, etc.
This article highlights the vital innovation and technological advancements that can significantly impact the dissemination of weather services information.
Digital Database Forecasting
The use of numerical weather prediction output by the traditional forecast processes is common among most meteorological services. They produce sensible, text-based, and weather-element forecast products with the help of these tools.
Such a process is labor-intensive, product-oriented, and schedule-driven. The scientific breakthroughs and technological advances help meteorological warnings and forecasts to be more accurate and specific.
The evolution of high-speed dissemination systems and computer technology have led weather service providers to have detailed forecasts in graphic, digital, and gridded formats. The use of traditional methods like text forecast limits the amount of information service providers can convey to the community.
Digital database forecasting helps provide detailed and accurate hydrometeorological forecasts. It is an excellent use of weathertech. Such systems also help to integrate forecast service delivery and dissemination effectively.
Tomorrow platform announced a new API that can help deliver accurate, reliable, and fast weather data as per your need. Such tools allow flexibility to help integrate the data source with any system, application, or program.
It is also important to note that both Environment Canada and the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration use digital database forecasting technology for their routine forecasts. Many of the developed nations are either establishing or implementing such database-based forecasting.
Nowcasting Systems
There is a wide range of nowcast systems in terms of complexity. There are many next-generation and innovative nowcast systems under development by several meteorological service providers.
You can see a variation in the nowcast systems from tracking radar echoes to uncertainty forecast techniques. The complex systems often utilize a combination of probabilistic forecast techniques and NWP output for extending the nowcasting time horizon from 0-1 hour to 3-6 hours.
Some systems even include lightning and satellite data, while a few others also incorporate remote sensing platforms. However, these systems often get challenged for optimizing the role of forecaster in the nowcasting process.
A crucial aspect that needs more attention is the incorporation of feedback and real-time verification to the forecasters. The generation of hydrometeorological forecasts and disseminating them in various formats is a crucial strength of nowcast systems. It will help create a timely and effective service delivery system that can have significant implications.
IT Applications and Systems
The meteorological services use the internet from their inception. However, though almost all service providers have their websites, the dissemination of information varies across platforms.
These service providers can present forecasts and warnings to their customers through the internet. They allow them to present climate information in digital and graphic format to their partners, customers, and the public. It would not have been possible to dissipate such information otherwise.
Another crucial aspect of WeatherTech that we should not miss is the broadening of the service delivery horizon. For example, a few metrological services have exclusive web pages for media, catering to their specific needs that you can access on your smartphone.
Another meteorological service provider has put forward an aviation-focused initiative in collaboration with the aviation community. It helps to assess delays in connectivity due to weather-related issues.
It is worth mentioning that the evolution of public weather service dissemination has a link with the emergence of new communication technologies and information systems. These can include, but are not limited to:
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Wireless communication technologies
- Internet
- Geographic information systems (GIS)
- Mobile communication networks
Putting the above innovations in place can help to provide weather warnings and forecasts in various formats. It is particularly critical to meet the demands of users for accurate and precise environmental information.
Emerging WeatherTech
The emerging WeatherTech also help to enhance the integration of public weather service delivery and dissemination. Another evolving aspect is the use of VodCasts and PodCasts that is helping to strengthen the sector further.
To summarise, the emergence of innovative and technologically advanced communication networks and forecast systems will provide exciting opportunities for meteorological services. They will aid in improving the efficiency and better information dissemination to the end-users.
The integration of public weather service forecast delivery and dissemination can happen better by digital database forecasting. Although, it is vital to recognize that digital forecasting is still evolving with the emergence of new telecommunication and weathertech technologies.
You should also note that a promise of new methodologies for vast observational data assimilation will be available through the next-generation forecast workstations. It will use information processing techniques and new visualization for assisting the forecasters.